Institute of Clinical Bioethics Blog

Bioethics Blog

Rural Health Promoter: The Blueberry Farms 

Andren Chen, Benjamin Gabrieliants, Caroline Curtin, Adamya Aggarwal, and Joseph Kelly The Rural/Mobile Health Promoter was designed in collaboration with the Consulate of Mexico in Philadelphia to provide rural Hispanic communities of New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware with access to basic primary care and education, promoting their health and wellbeing. The Promoter provides medical screenings, …

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Ethical Analysis of Uterine Transplants

Uterus Transplant

Many ethicists have called for a public debate on the issue of uterine transplantation that would examine all aspects of it including the ethical and moral implications. These issues include whether uterine transplants should be from live donors or deceased donors.

Ethical Analysis of Genetically Modified Pig Kidneys in Humans

Modified Pig Kidneys in Humans

The issue of xenotransplantation has raised serious interdisciplinary concerns. Many have called for a continued public debate on the issue of xenotransplantation, especially genetically modified pig kidneys for human transplants, that would examine all aspects of it including the crucial ethical and moral implications.